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Maya Massage

Ann Hirsch writes about her experiences with Maya Massage in Midwifery Today  and provides client and personal examples of how it has worked remarkably well for pregnant moms. If you've not heard of this ancient, powerful massage for women, read on.

I have had numerous treatments and performed self-care with Maya Massage for several months and did not see any change in the dysmenorrhea I was trying to eliminate. Though I certainly enjoyed the massage and did feel adhesion breaking up, it just didn’t help with my specific issue at that specific time. I intuitively know that this is powerful stuff, it just wasn't all I needed at the time.

When it is applied to pregnant moms, I think it can make a difference very fast because of the open and receiving state that moms are in emotionally, not to mention the hormones that cause ligaments to relax later on in pregnancy.

I fully agree with Ann when she says that this technique allows a midwife to practice an alternative form of gynecological care for women. No longer do you have to tell moms, “Keep up the Kegels” when you visit them on that last postpartum visit. Maya Massage allows a midwife and mom to have physical contact, and the best part is that teaching a mom how to practice self-care is easy. Now mom has her own tools to help her uterus.

I would love to know more about the technical aspects of Maya Massage, so I’ll be checking out: to find out more info. This article has also inspired me to look into being trained myself, so I can offer yet another healing modality to my clients.

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