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Induction Facts

Under most situations, if you are giving birth in a hospital, you are likely to be offered an induction after 41 or 42 weeks, with significant pressure to accept. This option may be provided based on the schedule of the caregiver, concern’s for baby’s size, timing of ruptured membranes, or other health concerns. (Buckley 2009)

A serious concern with induction is that often other interventions are needed to cope with the induction, which increases the risk of a cesarean birth. The first important step to preventing an induction is understanding your estimated due date.

Estimated Dates

  • In obstetric terms, the expected due date is usually calculated at 40 weeks from the first day of your last normal period. This is based on a 28 day cycle and conception at 14 days after the first day of your last period.
  • If you know the actual date of conception, count 38 weeks ahead.
  • If you have a longer cycle, the probable day of conception can be calculated as 14 days before the next expected period, according to the usual cycle length. Then add 38 week for estimated due date.


  • Studies have shown that the average length of gestation in healthy moms is 41 weeks.
  • Age, ethnicity and previous births influences the average length of gestation.

Induction Benefits

  • Reduction of stillbirth
  • Possibly reduce risk of Shoulder Dystocia 
  • Possibly reduce risk of large baby (over 8 pounds 13 ounces) and labor complications
  • However, natural labor onset best prepares mom’s pelvis to soften and flex around large baby

Induction Risks

  • Longer, stronger and closer-spaced contractions, leading to artificial pain relief because of body’s inability to quickly produce own pain-relieving hormones
  • Compromised blood and oxygen supply to placenta because of strong contractions
  • Low APGAR scores
  • Increase risk of instrument delivery and cesarean birth
  •  Prematurity of baby


  • Trust in your body and your baby’s process and timing
  • Walking / exercise
  • Intercourse
  • Prostaglandins from semen near the cervix can induce labor
  • Nipple stimulation
  • Trigger labor by releasing oxytocin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just referenced this blog TWICE today for information!